Have just been to the website and been delighted by the work, the wide range of it and its technical accomplishment. That drawing of the cat has so accurately caught that look, as if he is about to spring on some unsuspecting prey. Also Juliet —is obviously well organised and businesslike enough to capitalise on her talent.
FABULOUS! Love the colours, energy, graphic skill, composition etc etc . Keep Going!
Will order more next year…
Have just been to the website and been delighted by the work, the wide range of it and its technical accomplishment. That drawing of the cat has so accurately caught that look, as if he is about to spring on some unsuspecting prey. Also Juliet —is obviously well organised and businesslike enough to capitalise on her talent.
Do you send to the United States? If so, how can I order some cards. Thank you.
Charlotte Schwendeman
Do you send to the United States? If so, how can I order some cards.